Watering your lawn in hot weather

During hot weather, it is said that water droplets will “bake” your grass and cause yellow spots.  Nope, if you wait till the evening, your only prolonging your lawns suffering.  Now, one thing can be said.  Watering during a hot day will increase wasteful evaporation but it wont kill your grass.  When grass doesn’t receive enough water, you’ll spot patches of dead yellow blades. Meanwhile, fertilizers leave salt in the soil, and if you don’t flush the lawn with fresh water on a regular basis, those salts build up in the soil. Other times, water sources have traces of salt in them; this is especially true of urban areas. Salt in the soil can cause root burn or make it difficult for your lawn’s roots to absorb water. Again, these problems are not related to water droplets on grass in the sun.  So if you notice your grass is under drought stress in the middle of the day, water right away to prevent lawn death or disease.

About Gabriel Nelson

Landscaper and Landscaping designer at Nelson's Landscaping and Snow Removal, With more than 20 years of experience and expertise, Nelson’s outshines other competitors not only in price but in quality and service. Our wide variety of services allows our clients to depend solely upon one service provider for all their outdoor needs.