Keeping your Brick Patio Looking Like New

Brick patios are a wonderful feature for your home.  But maintaining them is important with the hot summers and cold winters we have in the Milwaukee and Mequon areas.

deck and patio contractors, milwaukee, mequon  Bricks can crack from the water they absorb causing them to crack, salt isn’t the greatest either, adding to the water going into the bricks and it can also cause deterioration in the bricks.  Sealing the bricks with a water based sealer can be effective in keeping water and weeds from invading your brick patio.  Fix the cracked bricks and powerwash  for a clean area.  Spray them with 2 coats of water based sealer and you will notice that the weeds will be held at bay and the bricks wont fade as quickly.  If your bricks are already faded and powerwashing didn’t help, you can find sealant with a color tint to bring back some color.


About Gabriel Nelson

Landscaper and Landscaping designer at Nelson's Landscaping and Snow Removal, With more than 20 years of experience and expertise, Nelson’s outshines other competitors not only in price but in quality and service. Our wide variety of services allows our clients to depend solely upon one service provider for all their outdoor needs.