Fall Clean-ups Milwaukee

Fall clean-ups in Milwaukee and Mequon are important for the well being of your landscaping and lawn care needs along with overall care of your property.  With winter around the corner here are some tips for proper fall clean ups.

Fall Checklist Fall Clean-ups, Lawn Fertilization, Milwaukee, Lawn Care

1. Tuck in new bulbs, like daffodils, tulips, crocus, and hyacinth

2. Remove dead annuals and some perennials debris.
3. Remove tender bulbs such as cannas and dahlias

4. Remove debris from vegetable beds and work in a layer of 

5. Add mulched leaves to beds

6. Trim trees, cut out dead wood, and prune trees and shrubs to shape

7. Give lawn a final mowing and raking

8. Prep hand tools and others, such as hoes and shovels, using a wire brush. Scrape off soil, 
     wash off with soapy water.  Wipe metal surfaces with an oiled cloth.  Lubricate pruners,
     sharpen blades, and spray metal with a penetrating oil to prevent rusting 

9. Prep lawn equipment. Empty gas tanks of mowers, string trimmers, and edgers, and clean 

10. Clean out gutters 

 Contact Nelson’s Landscaping Services, and we will do your fall clean-up for you!



About Gabriel Nelson

Landscaper and Landscaping designer at Nelson's Landscaping and Snow Removal, With more than 20 years of experience and expertise, Nelson’s outshines other competitors not only in price but in quality and service. Our wide variety of services allows our clients to depend solely upon one service provider for all their outdoor needs.